

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            There’s a cute antique sign from the Trolley Museum that you will be visiting today that you should be on the lookout for. It’s a man sitting reading a newspaper with his hat on & his shoes off with a heading that says, “Ride Relaxed.” The guy looks like you when you rode the Amtrak all those years. It makes sense that a man from Scranton, known for being the first city with an electric trolley, would have an affection for riding the rails. The museum is clearly a labor of love from a bunch of volunteers.

I have visited several such spots. The Stagecoach Museum of Lusk, Wyo, comes to mind. It has a coach from the Cheyenne-Black Hills Stage Line & lots of other relics that no one could bear to throw out. Another one in Peshtigo, WI commemorates the terrible fire that killed more than 1500 people in 1871. Both have dust challenges, but the docents are wonderful to talk with.

            I don’t have time to read the rest of the news today because the mother dog who is living in my house kept me up last night. I don’t know if anything’s wrong with her, but I had to get up about 3 times to attend to her needs. I hope that behavior stops.

            The folks of Scranton are excited about your visit even though it’s going to cause a traffic jam. It sounds like you made some progress yesterday in moving your legislation forward. I hope the pressure that JM3 is receiving from the media about his personal financial interest in blocking the CEEP helps him see the light (cute pun?)

Keep up the good work & as my dad would say, Keep Smiling.



PS – Today’s Catholic Reporter has an article about 7 humanitarian workers affiliated with the Loikaw Diocese in Northern Burma who have been arrested. It says, “it's not uncommon in the region for the military to burn civilians' homes, kill civilians and make arbitrary arrests in the predominantly Christian region.” Please continue to keep an eye on that situation.



