

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s windy again today, but I am trying to appreciate it. The wonders of Mother Nature create the dynamic world we live in, keeping us stimulated. It’s all good. Right? I will do my best to notice & wonder, rather than cringe & fret.

Notice and wonder is a new “thing” in classrooms these days. It’s a way to introduce problems & concepts by inviting students to articulate what they see & to express curiosity about it. We are trying to cultivate inquisitive, open minds rather than know-it-alls.

            So today, I am noticing and wondering about my news sites. I notice that you only have 1 mention in the NYT & WP & I wonder why that is. Are you trying to keep a low profile? The mention in the NYT was:

Biden’s Proposal to Empower I.R.S. Rattles Banks and Their Customers

I noticed that a $600 deposit/withdrawl was chosen as the threshold for when a bank will have to provide details to the IRS about an account. I wondered how you arrived at this figure.

The WP mention was:

Indigenous activists come to D.C. with a message for Biden: Declare a national climate emergency

 I wondered if you planned to do so.

 I noticed you had several mentions in the Guardian including:

Greta Thunberg (GT): I’m open to meeting Biden at Cop26 but don’t expect much

I notice that GT is only a teen & wonder what she will be when she gets older.

 Another headline from the Guardian is:

Tucker Carlson blames Southwest flight disruption on Biden vaccine mandate

 I notice that Southwest is having some kind of issue that I was not aware of. I wonder what TC’s appeal is.

 I notice that Jill is going to visit a bilingual school in KC today. I wonder if she speaks Spanish.

 I notice that I have written 1659 of my 2000 characters. I wonder if anyone in the WH reads my letters.




