


            We are so lucky to live in a Democracy. Don’t you think? I am feeling grateful after listening to a snippet of NV Sen. Jacky Rosen questioning the Post Master General about the analysis he did to decide to radically change USPS operations. She wanted to make sure that he had considered the cost to elderly folks when their prescriptions, social security checks & bills are slow in coming. She wanted to see some data & requested transparency. I suspect that Mr. Dejoy is not used to be challenged in this way so he may decide that government work isn’t for him. Businesses can keep secrets but isn’t it great that n the USA that you & I both know & love, folks in the government aren’t allowed to.

            Speaking of secrets, the Council for National Policy that you’re visiting today seems pretty mysterious. I’m sure you are aware that its founders were members of the John Birch Society. Some of its members have had some whacky ideas like: eating soybeans causes homosexuality and that adulteresses should be stoned. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that some of them are fans of QAnon.

Speaking of QANon, I have a hard time imagining that folks in the USA really believe that we have child-abusing devil-worshipers in the government who extract hormones from children’s blood. Even more disturbing is that the folks in GA just voted for Marjorie Taylor Greene who is all in on the conspiracy theory. I hope you can use the influence that you have over these folks & persuade them that “We are the Storm” is not the kind of uplifting message we need right now.

            How was that Old Forge square pizza that you grabbed from Arcaro & Genell Takeaway Kitchen yesterday? Be careful, eating too much of that kind of thing isn’t good for you.




