

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I am confused. I thought that Republicans were in favor of local control – keep the government small, give people as much freedom as possible. That’s what my dad and grandmother always said. So, help me understand why the federal & state governments are trying to tell local school boards how to operate.

If you really want schools to open, then you might be better off staying out of it. According to the NYT, your tweets have exacerbated the situation. They noted, “Mr. Trump’s attempted intervention in schools changed the political calculus” & folks who might have been in favor of opening schools are now against it.

            It looks like Hillsborough County, FL, is the place that this is all coming to a head. I’m surprised that Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran didn’t say something about it at your Back to School Safety event at the WH yesterday. Speaking of which, didn’t you love the quote that he stole from Frederick Douglass, “education is the uplifting of the human soul to the glorious light of truth?”

            My two cents, I think we should have in-person options for students with special needs & for children under the age of 8. They should be in groups of no more than 10 with people who are not vulnerable to CV. This might mean hiring some interns. This will require negotiations with the union to insure that their members are not adversely affected. Perhaps providing hazard pay to those teachers who do have in-person classes is in order. Situations will vary which is why this all should be decided at the local level.

            I am thrilled to see students with special needs getting so much attention in the WH. I hope Betsy DeVos continues to champion this group of students that charter schools are free to exclude.

            I didn’t see many masks at yesterday’s event. Please set a better example.




