

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I just got my subscription to the Kansas City Star. $1.98 for a 2-Month subscription. Of course, they will start charging me $16/month after that, but it’s a bargain compared to the WSJ.

My kid is now in KC so I’d like to know what’s going on there. Reading the paper would have me worried, but I am following a Friend’s advice & resisting fretting.

KC has a 9.6% positive test rate which means that if my daughter encounters 10 people when she goes out, 1 of them is probably infected. When she goes to work at her school, she may be encountering 100 kids a day, 10 of whom will be infected. Since her school serves low-income folks, all of whom are POC, the positivity rate will likely be even higher. Fortunately, the teachers in that region are getting organized to resist efforts to force them back into the classroom. I found this quote in the KC Star compelling: “If they (children) think that their going to school is the reason their grandma died, there is long-term trauma involved with that.” We don’t need to add to the trauma in the African-American community so let’s avoid making school a super-spreader spot.

I hope Dr. Brix is able to convince MO Governor Parson to keep his brick & mortar schools closed until the infection rate in his state goes down. He’s facing a tough re-election challenge from Nicole Galloway so he needs to get his Covid outbreak under control. Please do all you can to stop the spread.




