

Friend DJT,

            I am tempted this morning to call my neighbors “bad, evil people.” I picked up that phrase from your speech last night at Mt. Rushmore when you proclaimed, “we will not be tyrannized. We will not be demeaned and we will not be intimidated by bad evil people.” I’m not sure which bad, evil people you were talking about, but I’m irritated by my neighbors this morning because they have some workers who came at 7:50 AM on this holiday to do some very noisy work right outside my window. I know that they are neither “bad,” nor “evil,” & I suspect that they may be irritated that the crew showed up today. So, I am having to discipline myself this morning to avoid harsh judgment & not let the ruckus get to me.

            I hope you, too, will try to discipline yourself & not let the ruckus get to you. No one is trying to erase history. In fact, at this moment folks all over America are learning more history – especially the history of enslaved & formerly enslaved people, as well as Native Americans & women. Would you like to join me in reading W. E. B. Du Bois’ book, The Souls of Black Folk? It’s got a detailed account of all of the missteps of Reconstruction that I am finding quite edifying. He’s a poet so it’s a joy to read. We could also take a look at Gloria Steinem’s new book about her experiences in the women’s movement. She talks about the power of humor as the only “free humor” because “you can’t compel laughter.” Let me know which book you’d like to start with.

            I’m sorry to hear that DJT Jr’s partner, Kimberly Guilfoyle, tested positive for CV. I hope she doesn’t get too sick.

            Maybe it’s time to wear a mask.




