

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Should I be worried that I can’t see my desktop? I thought I was practicing good computer hygiene by shutting off my Mac last night, but now the Finder’s not working properly and my desktop is empty. It’s nice to have a clean slate, but I’m freaked out. I’m going to try rebooting to see if that solves the problem. Do you know anything about computers? I wish I knew more.

            I wish I knew more about everything! We have such an explosion of knowledge these days that it’s challenging to wrap your head around anything. Today, for example, I was trying to learn about vaccines, how they work, how much they should cost, whether we are going to have one soon, etc.

I think you’ve been trying to learn about the same thing for your visit to the Bioprocess Innovation Center at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies in NC today. I did learn that a) they have a gorgeous new building designed to promote collaboration, b) that lab is trying to figure out how to mass produce the vaccine, c) NVX–CoV2373, the drug they are working on, uses the spike protein to stimulate the production of antibodies & d) it elicits immunogenicity in baboons and protection in mice. Don’t you love science?

I’m surprised that you aren’t heading to Norwood, MA to visit the Moderna facility since the media is so excited about the Phase 3 trial that they are starting today with 30,000 people. I encourage you to keep an eye on them. They’ve gotten almost $1 billion in tax payers’ money. I worry that they are going to have to charge at least $50/shot just to break even & since they are a new company, they have to make a profit to pay off their investors. Meanwhile, Stephen Bancel, & the other hot shot execs are making a killing on Wall Street.

            I have to say that Operation Warp Speed is making my head spin & I’m afraid that the American public might get fleeced. Dang, it would be nice if things were simpler so we could wrap our heads around them.

            Enjoy your trip to NC,





