

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            It’s wonderful that you are honoring Jim Ryun (JRR) with a Presidential Medal of Freedom this morning! I’m sure that you will be telling the story about how he competed in the Tokyo Olympics of 1964 as a junior in high school & how he fell in his third Olympics in Munich in 1972, dashing his hopes for a gold in the 1500 meters. What you might not know is that he solicited Esq. Howard Cosell’s help in petitioning for a reinstatement because another runner pushed him. The petition was declined by an official who JRR saw 12 years later at the LA Olympics. At that point JRR had let go of his anger & bitterness & was able to forgive the official. He attributed this to his revelation that “the world does not revolve around me.” According to Vanity Fair, he brought that sense of humility to his 11 years in Congress as he endeavored to be “a servant leader representing my constituents with integrity.” I think we all have something to learn from JRR.

            I think we all have something to learn from AOC, too. That woman knows how to tell it like it is! She’s not going to let anyone curse her and get away with it. I wish I had her oratory gifts. I can’t wait to see where she ends up in the future.

            I’m thrilled to see that you’ll be throwing the first pitch at the Yankee/BO Sox game on Aug 15. I hope the Yankees do the same BLM ritual that they did last night. That would give you a chance to participate & show the world that you have come around to understand the spirit behind the BLM movement.




