

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            How sensitive are you to disgust? I used to be quite sensitive before I had a kid. I’d gag when I had to clean up after the dog got sick, and I’d recoil at the sight of blood. After having to deal with all of the bodily fluids related to baby care, the gag reaction subsided & the only sensitivity that remains is being queasy about blood. I think you have an issue with germs, so I guess you would strongly agree with the statement, ““I probably would not go to my favorite restaurant if I found out that the cook had a cold.” That makes you “disgust sensitive.”

            I ask about “disgust sensitivity” because according to Vanderbilt prof, Cindy Kam, it predicts how voters respond to Covid-19 policies. The prof has done a complicated study to show that “disgust sensitivity” could explain your recent troubles with GOP women voters. Opening up schools so suburban moms don’t have to teach their kids at home doesn’t address their “disgust sensitivity” so you might want to give up on that strategy.

            I wish I had more time to learn about studies related to emotion regulation, anxiety, contamination fears & spider phobias, but alas, I have to spend my day considering how to prepare teachers to be flexible, compassionate & ready for a pandemic.

            I hope you had fun on the golf course with LOG yesterday,





