

Friend, DJT,

            I understand that you celebrated Father’s Day with DJT, Jr. by doing an interview with him. It’s tricky being a parent, isn’t it? You want your child to feel loved, but you also want them to be their best. These two forces operate in tension so as parents, we are always somewhat stressed in relation to our off-spring. I understand that DJT, Jr thinks you like Ivanka better than him. That’s not true, is it?

            You remind me of my dad in some ways. Your contrarian tendencies created challenges for you, both. According to the “Field Guide to Contrarians” from Psych. Today, you are “allergic to conventional wisdom” & “are not concerned about social graces.” I’m afraid that you, both, may have “projected overconfidence & individuality on the outside” to “mask uncertainty on the inside.” I suspect this came from some frustration at not being able to fully satisfy your fathers.  

            Speaking of contrarians, did you know there’s an ad running on the Guardian, from “ENN – Joe Exotic (JE) 2020, make America Exotic Again”? I could not find out what that was all about but I did find out that JE has CV. You know that you are showing your contrarian side when you refuse to acknowledge the number of cases is going up. While you joked about a 10-year-old having sniffles as being counted as a “case,” I’m sure you understand that his virus particles could infect his grandma.

            What is happening with your schedule today? It includes info about MRP’s whereabouts. That’s quite unusual. Is MRP taking over? Do you have CV?

            Speaking of unusual, your rally wasn’t quite as popular as you had hoped. I understand that teens signed up for tickets that they had no intention of using. That was a clever trick, don’t you think?

            Finally, please lend your support to the restoration of the Abyssinian Meeting House in Portland, ME, constructed by a Black Congregation in 1828, because they felt unwelcome in the White churches in town. A word from you could help raise lots of $$.




