

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I hope FEMA is as “ready” for the upcoming hurricane season as they claim to be. How can one ever really be ready for a disaster? This year it’s going to be a double whammy: CV + a more intense storm season due to the “multi-decadal oscillation.” I wish I had time to look that one up to see if it has anything to do with climate change. That was the elephant in the room, wasn’t it? The inconvenient truth behind this upsurge in the number & intensity of storms. I look forward to the day when you are ready to acknowledge we have a problem.

            Speaking of problems – I believe that selling arms to your buddy, MBS is a problem. As I’ve told you many times, he is not to be trusted. He is misguided. His most recent mistake involves Saad Aljabri (SBKAJ) & his family. In case you haven’t heard, SBKAJ used his computing prowess to sus out terrorists, becoming a high official in the Saudi leadership & working closely with the US & other Western countries. He was closely affiliated with MBS’s rival, MBN, & had to flee Saudi Arabia in 2015. MBS is holding SBKAJ’s kids ransom to force him to come back to Riyad. I encourage you to give MBS a call & encourage him to release the kids & leave SBKAJ alone. You can also explain that he won’t be getting his 7500 precision guided missiles until Congress approves of the sale.

            I have another friendly suggestion – I think it’s time to go cold turkey & quit tweeting. Your remark about shooting & looting was a mistake & it ruined the good vibe you struck when you wrote “I feel very, very badly” about George Floyd’s deat and noted “That’s a very shocking sight.” Twitter has the 1st Amendment on its side so best to just walk away.

            Peace be with you,




