

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Perhaps it is time to find a new venue for communicating with your fans. Perhaps the old-fashioned phone call would do the trick. You can say whatever you want & AT&T will not attempt to verify the facts you are sharing. My rep. John Garamendi leaves messages for me from time to time & occasionally I listen to what he has to say.

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            I was very excited to see Tracey Brown (TDB) speaking in the Rose Garden yesterday about the CMMI Demo project to control the price of insulin for Medicare patients. Not only was she wearing a mask, she encouraged you to do more to address our diabetes epidemic. She noted that 34 million American live with the disease & 7 million take insulin. I learned today that 79,500 die of diabetes every year. Of course, right now, many diabetics are dying of CV. That’s why Tracey said “we need to do more.”

When I see those numbers, I think we need to focus on prevention – don’t you think? My doctor says my fasting glucose test shows I’m pre-diabetic. I suspect that you are, too. I tried a Keto diet for a week or two, but couldn’t keep it up. Maybe we could do it together. Research has shown that social influence works well to promote behavior change so let’s start an EAT RIGHT campaign to help prevent diabetes.

I noticed that the new insulin pricing scheme came from the Center for Medicare & Medicare Innovation (CMMI). I’d never heard of it before today, but am happy to see that BHO’s brainchild is yielding some fruit. I wonder why  TDB was the only one to mention the CMMI, which is doing such great work.

I look forward to hearing all about your visit to the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Facility in Merritt Island, Florida today. I’m sure it will give you some welcome diversion from all of your worries.




