

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Are you enjoying your weekend at Camp David? Do you sleep well while you’re there? I slept well last night but I had the weirdest dream. It involved my mother saving the lives of some baby rodents. Apparently, CV has prompted many of us to have weird dreams. According to National Geographic, dreams are our brains’ way of processing events of the day. When our days aren’t very exciting our brains have to hunt around for material for our dreams so we end up with some whacky stuff from our personal ancient history. The emotional disinhibition that occurs while we sleep unleashes anxieties which end up coming out in some bizarre ways. I can only imagine what your dreams would be like if you were practicing social isolation like the rest of us.

             Thanks for honoring Girl Scout Troop 744 for their generosity in giving cookies to hospitals. I was happy to see that they were setting a good example for kids all over the country by wearing their masks and practicing social distancing when they visited you in the Rose Garden. I’m surprised that they didn’t present you with some handmade masks. Girls Scouts are quite industrious & now they have the “Face Mask Making” badge so I’m sure scouts all over the country are hard at work on their sewing machines. Isn’t it wonderful that we have youth trying hard to make the world a better place?




