

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Wouldn’t it be nice to have immunity? From the virus, from criminal prosecution, from retribution for cheating on your spouse. Then you could do whatever you wanted without fear of ever having consequences. But, as you know immunity is hard to come by, especially immunity to CV. We don’t even know how much immunity you might get from being infected by it. ASF hopes that if the genes in CV don’t mutate too much, recovered folks should have the antibodies they need to fight off re-infection. We’ll have to wait and see.

            It’s hard to wait and see, isn’t it? It will be especially hard for you this week as the Supreme Court is deciding the fate of your tax returns. Who knows how long it will take them to deliberate about your cases. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have anything to hide so you wouldn’t need immunity. I’m sure your tax situation is so complicated that most Americans won’t have a clue whether you cheated us out of $$. I have a hard time figuring out my own taxes, and usually err on the side of caution to avoid penalty. You might want to start doing that.

            It sounds like Pfizer, Merk & Moderna are making great progress on their vaccines so we all might have immunity to CV someday. Please give Bill Gates a call and thank him for his efforts to build the vaccine factories in advance so they’re ready to pump out vaccines when we know which ones work.  It’s nice of him to share his wealth that way. Maybe you can pitch in some of your $$, too.

            Before we get immunity, I think the 10-4 plan that the Israeli computational biologists described in the NYT today sound like the way to go. Check it out.




