


            It’s hard to sit with you this morning and I have things to do so I am going to try to write this letter in 10 minutes so I can get it over with and get on to something else.

            I’m so disappointed that you tweeted about “liberating” VA, MI & MN while mentioning the 2nd Amendment. That is SO ill advised. Have you watched the footage of the protest in Lansing, MI on Wed? You can see it at FREEP.com. It was a relief to see that most of the folks were in their cars & trucks. It was a relief to see that most were keeping their distance from one another, but it was quite concerning to see 2 guys with AR-15s and bullet proof vests talking about militias. Those guys are itching for a fight & you just gave them license to unleash their pent-up anger with the world. The lady saying, “my life matters” brought some racial overtones to the whole thing. Oh, Donald – please be careful what you tweet!!!

            I will admit that GEW may have gone a bit over the top in not allowing people to go to their 2nd homes, but she’s talking about starting to reopen MI on May 1. As you may recall, I visit the UP of MI every summer when I’m at my WI cabin. We go to the Walmart in Iron Mt. They’ve had 2 COVID deaths there and a letter to the editor in the local paper suggests that everyone wear a mask in the grocery store. So, folks up there are taking COVID seriously & may be as distressed as I am that you are inciting their troubled neighbors into talking about militias.

            On a happier note, did you hear that Sara Sawyer of U of CO is coming up with a saliva test for CV. The idea is that you could do a spit test every morning to see if your genes have become “up-regulated.” When they are, you call in sick so you don’t infect anyone. Brilliant!!!

            I have exceeded my time limit by 10 minutes, but at least I am feeling better.




