

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

            Uh-oh! What’s your plan for this stock market drop? Heather Long at the WP says that the biggest danger right now is folks defaulting on their loans. Here’s my idea, but it’s totally half-baked so you might want to vet it before tweeting about it. Here goes:

            Call a halt to the nuclear modernization program and redirect the $50 billion being spent to design a warhead to a program that will enable workers to have paid medical leave. Start with the nursing home staff. Of course, you will need an army of replacements for them, but luckily, we have an army. So, the young folk that are sitting at military bases being trained to shoot a gun, could be retrained to care for an elderly person. That won’t take too long.

            The single moms who take care of our old folk will then be able to stay home if they get the virus and won’t be spreading it to everyone in their facility. When they do take a couple of days off, they will still get their paycheck so they can pay their bills. Landlords will get their rent money so they can continue to pay their mortgages. The bank will be getting their loan payments, etc, etc.

            Best of all the military personnel will learn new skills which will make the world a much better place.

            Win, win, win! We just need to realign our priorities.




