

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

         Shelter in place – that’s what I’m doing. Yesterday I got about 100 yards from my house when I went to my garden. I encountered a few neighbors and gave them a wide berth. I was happy to hear that my Sunday soliloquy had led one neighbor to look up the WP animation. She said it helped her to better understand why she was being asked to change her lifestyle.

         It’s too bad that we couldn’t follow the lead of Taiwan and South Korea and take this thing seriously a few weeks ago. A lady in Sacramento just died after being a volunteer in a local elementary school in February. I hope she wasn’t contagious when she was interacting with all of those kids.

         Please do all you can to help our prison systems handle this situation. The Chicago Trib reported that Cook County Jail has started “compassionate releases” so that elderly prisoners don’t catch the virus. The jail doesn’t have the capacity to care for them if they get sick. They need some additional staff and I think military folk could handle the duties. Have you been talking about this with your task force?

         We’ll have to keep on holding tight on this trip through unchartered waters. I’m curious about where we’ll land.





