

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

            Thanks for meeting with the grocery execs today. Will someone from Grocery Outlet be there? Yesterday their paper products shelf was completely bare at 9:30 AM. Luckily, I found plenty of TP at the Co-op. I was reminded of the photos of stores in the USSR from the ‘70s with empty shelves & desperate shoppers. It was creepy. I’m not sure what the grocery folk can do about this. The only thing I can think of is rationing, but I hope we don’t have to go there.

Your  CV response team seems great. Drs. Birx, Redfield, Fauci & Adams inspire confidence due to their vast experience with HIV. It’s too bad that Seema Verma (SV) & Alex Azar II, don’t get along. I hope you helped SV understand that she was out of line when she tried to get the tax-payers to reimburse her $47,000 for her stolen luggage which included $325 moisturizer & $20,000 in jewelry. When she’s stingy about who gets Medicare & then asks for that kind of thing, it just doesn’t sit well. Anyway, I think it’s great that the CV tests will soon be available for free. That’s a step in the right direction.

            Did you see the graph in the NYT that shows the workers at greatest risk of getting sick? It helps show why we need folks like cashiers & personal care aides to have paid sick leave. How about the simulation in the WP that shows how viruses spread under different conditions? It’s brilliant. The LA Times has some nice representations that show Sacramento & the Bay Area are hotspots. I hate to admit that as a math geek who loves graphs, the news about CV can be quite intriguing.

            My neighbor, Denise Morse, has become a media star and today is quoted in the Guardian. She was on the Grand Princess & is now in quarantine on Travis Air Force Base. Our Rep. John Garamendi has filed a complaint with HHS on her behalf because she’s had a greater exposure to possibly infected people in quarantine than she had on the boat. We look forward to having her home.





