

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

            This is a quickie because I have to run off to do some geometry with the 5th graders. They are going to have a sub today so things could get interesting. I hope to take a few minutes to find out what they know about CV and show them the explanation in today’s NYT about how CV hijacks your cells.

            I feel sorry for Jeff Sessions (JBS) and hope you will show him some grace. He’s been loyal to you despite all of your criticism. Now that he’s trying to get his Senate seat back, I encourage you to stay out of it.

            In trying to learn more about JBS’ opponent, Tommy Tuberville (THT), I encountered two fun facts that you might enjoy. 1) THT talked about frog gigging in the rain which entails going out at night and spearing frogs with something that looks like a pitch fork in order to get legs for barbequing. My brother did something like that once at our cabin and my mom was nice enough to cook the legs for him. It makes me queasy just recalling the story. Do you eat frog? 2) There’s a shop on David Street, in the Old City of Jerusalem, where a Palestinian named Hani Imam sells Alabama paraphernalia. He got his business degree at U. of AL and has a niche market selling to tourists from the South. He doesn’t like THT because he talks trash about Muslims, but he loves folks from AL even though he sometimes has a hard time understanding their drawl.

            Enjoy your dinner at MRP’s tonight.




