



I hope that the budget bill with the $900 billion CV relief elements gets on the Resolute desk by the end of the day. You can have a big press conference when you sign it. As you do so, you can thank the 43 Congress people who are retiring this year, especially KA Sen Pat Roberts (CPR) who has had a half-century in KA politics.

If you don’t want to assemble a bunch of people, due to CV, you can give CPR a call. If you do, you might ask him for some tips. He’s known to be one of the best bosses in DC. His staff say they love to work for him because his motto is “take the job seriously, but don’t take yourself seriously.” CV prevented him from going on the 105-county farewell tour he had planned, so maybe you could join him on a Zoom call for all of his constituents in KA.

I think you should give up on the case that you’ve filed in the Superior Court of Fulton, GA, claiming a fraudulent election. The AJC ran a piece today showing that Matt Braynard & Bryan Geels used several flawed methods when they came up with their long lists of names of people who shouldn’t have voted. For example, matching change of address requests with voters’ rolls can lead to false matches. There are 38,313 James Smiths in the USA so at least 766 of them live in GA. Likewise, there are 32,092 Maria Garcias in the USA with at least 642 living in GA. These are just two of the many common names that could be matched to make it look like someone moved when they didn’t. There are lots of other problems with their approaches, so best to drop the suit rather than face the embarrassment of yet another failed attempt to contest the election.

Instead of perseverating on your loss, I encourage you to get out there and get excited about the vaccine. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you could at least make some noise about today’s solstice and planetary convergence. The days will start getting longer & the universe is in alignment. It’s a time for optimism & celebration!




