

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Did you have a nice time with your grandkids at Camp David? It looks like Joseph & Arabella enjoyed your company on their walk from the helicopter to the WH. Theodore was lagging. Is he struggling? Being the middle child can be challenging, but you know all about that.

            I am heading out to the grocery store to get eggs, milk & jack fruit. Are you familiar with jack fruit? It’s a meat alternative that can be used to make pseudo-pulled pork. I am hesitant to put it on my shopping list, because I don’t know where to find it in the store. Searching the grocery store puts me at greater risk of encountering a CV virus particle & I don’t want that. I look forward to the day that I can aimlessly wander the aisle of Trader Joe’s looking for new products to try while I contemplate what I’ll make for dinner.

            I am writing to you about the grocery store because the only news is about CV, the election & the Iran situation. I could encourage you to get on your bully pulpit to tell Americans to stay home & mask up, but, so far, those pleas have fallen on deaf ears. I have expressed my concerns about provoking Iran & hope their retaliation for the murder of Fakhrizadeh does not start a war. I will not say another word about the election. It’s over.

            My fellow citizens are getting tired of hearing about it, too. According to the Guardian you have lost 133,902 Twitter followers. That’s only .15% of the 88.8 million people who keep track of you tweets, but it is an indicator that your accusations of election fraud are becoming old news. The NYT claims that Chris Rudy has 1.1 million viewers on his Newsmax Network who tune in to hear about it, but they tend to be old folks who buy hearing aids. The rest of us are ready for some real news.

            Enjoy your lunch with MRP today. Maybe some happy news will come from that event so I have something to write about tomorrow.





