

My dear Friend, DJT,

            Well, you gave it the old college try. Perhaps it’s time to throw in the towel. I hope the Michiganders helped you understand that they have faith in the hundreds of people who ran the election in their state & you should, too. You will feel so relieved once you let go.

            How did APEC go yesterday? What do you think of Putrajaya Vision 2040? I love the idea of an “open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful region” where we have “free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and predictable trade.”

Speaking of that kind of thing, I am heading to the Davis farmers Market this morning to buy some fresh apples so I can make some pie. I get them from an orchard in the Sierra Foothills. They cost more than the ones at Safeway but I like knowing exactly where they came from.

It was great to see you back in the Presidential saddle yesterday at your press conference about the Most Favored Nation rule for prescription drugs. It must be complicated because your explanation about middle men & such didn’t make sense. All I know if that if my pre-diabetes turns into the real thing, I’ll be paying $35/month instead of $200 for insulin. I think I can afford that.

It looks like you can pay some golf today. That should sooth your soul. Are your fans still filling the streets around the WH? If so, I’m sure seeing them will lift your spirits. Don’t worry. They’ll still love you, even if you concede.




