

My dear Friend, DJT,

            What’s up with Afghanistan? I know that I should be happy that you are pulling US troops out of there since I believe that War is Not the Answer, but many are afraid that the Taliban will run amok without us there. According to today’s LAT, 20-somethings in Kandahar & Kabul worry that their freedom will be taken away by zealous men who want to impose their conservative beliefs on everyone else. Hafiza Faroke, age 19, runs a girls school that probably will be shut down. Soraya Shahidi won’t be able to etch tattoos anymore & Khurshid Muhammadi will have to hang up her soccer cleats. Moreover, according to NATO’s Jan Stoltenberg, ISIS could flare back up leaving us vulnerable to terrorist attack. Since our WH transition is being delayed, just as it was in 2000, we are vulnerable to that kind of thing again. You don’t want to be blamed for another 9/11 do you? To prevent that you could back off of the Afghan troop withdrawal or concede. I’d prefer the latter.

            Please tell LOG to leave Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (BR) alone. BR is a man of integrity & he’s doing his best insure an honest recount. He’s got his hands full & doesn’t need LOG bugging him to throw out legitimate absentee ballots. BR & his wife are getting death threats & no one should have to endure that just for doing their job.

            I hope you will bring some joy to the world today. We could use it.




