

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Money is weird, isn’t it? Somehow a piece of paper turns into something of value when the USA stamps some green ink on it. When I think about it too hard, I get overwhelmed. The bank tells me I have money because UCD tells them I earned it. UCD claims to have $$ because some students promised to give them some. The state of CA also promised to give them some & some donors promised to give them some. But these $$ don’t exist anywhere. They are just blips in a computer system & we have to trust the system works. The #s in my bank account go up & down assuming that the info they are getting is correct. It could all disappear in a heartbeat if everyone lost faith in the system.

I think about the precariousness of the system, because the system failed in Russia back in 1918 & my grandpa lost everything. He went from being part of the landed gentry to being a pauper. I have always wondered if that could happen here.

            So, imagine my consternation when I hear JHP talking about our need for a stimulus package & then hear that you have canceled negotiations. I’m glad that you changed your mind about that. Since $$ is really just a promise, why not promise folks that they can get what they need?

            I have to go get my teeth cleaned so I have to go.

            Be well,




