

My dear Friend, DJT,

            Just a week to go. Your stamina is amazing! I hear you plan to have 11 rallies in the final 48 hours of the race. Wow!

I hope you will speak with Armstrong Williams (AW). Better yet, bring him along on Airforce One with you today. An article in the NYT suggests that he is one of your only Black allies. As you know, he’s a big believer in Capitalism, probably because he owns a bunch of media outlets. He’s the kind of friend who can tell you the truth & it seems you could use a big dose of that these days. He believes that you can learn, & he’d like you to instruct the nation about wearing masks. It’s not too late to make that suggestion to your fans.

            I wonder what AW thinks of the 5 Black Senate candidates running in the South. It looks like Jamie Harrison has a chance of beating your buddy, LOG. Mark Espy is raking in the $$ in his campaign against Cindy Hyde-Smith in MS. He’s also got the names of 100,000 BHO voters who haven’t been to the polls since 2008 & he’s got his folks pounding the pavement to get them to vote. Raphael Warnock has lots of fans in GA, including members of the WNBA Atlanta Dream team which is surprising given that their team is owned by his opponent. It’s going to be fun to cheer for these candidates on election night.

            Speaking of election night, Davis Friends Meeting is going to hold some kind of vigil that night. We have to figure out what that will look like, but none of us wants to be sitting at home alone watching the election returns.

            Give my regards to Omaha today. I lived there between the ages of 2 – 5 & have happy memories of going to the Ak-Sar-Ben ice rink & sledding in a park near our house. I haven’t been back but it seems like a nice place.




