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My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Another day, another revelation, at least that’s what the NYT & WP suggest. I’m just not sure that the leak of JRB’s manuscript is that big of a deal. We’ll see.

            The LA Times didn’t devote as much space to the JRB story because half the columns were about Kobe Bryant’s (KBB) untimely death in the helicopter crash yesterday. It’s always sad when a person dies in an accident – and it seems that KBB was thriving. From what I can tell he was trying to practice the 2 H’s which you will recall from my letter last week include humility and humanity. He admitted his mistakes and reflected on his growth. It was nice of you to tweet about his passing even though he was not a fan of yours.

            Speaking of practicing the 2 H’s, did you see Alicia Keys host the Grammy’s last night exuding positivity and inclusiveness? I think we could both take a lesson from her.

            Please practice the 2 H’s with your Israeli friends today.




