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My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

            It’s too bad that it’s overcast in DC for your visit to the Pro-Life march. Are you sure you want to go? You are so keen on getting rid of regulation, clearly you don’t want to add more laws about when, where and how a pregnancy is terminated. A woman I love had to make a difficult choice when she found out her fetus had chromosomal abnormalities which would leave it severely physically and mentally disabled. Certainly, you’d agree that the government should not be deciding what’s best for her and her family.

             Staying positive these days is such a challenge! Michelle Goldberg opines in the NYT today that we are struggling with a “civilizational predicament.” Liberals are beginning to fear the future due to climate change, and the promise of technology no longer appeals. We need some hope!

         I encourage you to invite my colleague, Prof. Ben Houlton (BZH) to the WH where he can help you develop a new narrative about climate change that will appeal to farmers who can be subsidized to capture and store carbon in the soil. It’s a win/win! BZH somehow manages to exude optimism even while spewing deeply disturbing scientific information. We all have a lot to learn from him.

         I’m disappointed that you are flying back to Florida today. Not only are you increasing your carbon footprint, you are wasting time and $$. You know you are just going to sit glued to the TV all day tomorrow. Why not just do that in DC?





