

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            I am off to get a mammogram this morning. I haven't had one in several years because it's always an ordeal. First, the procedure itself is uncomfortable, and second, they always find shadows because I have "dense breasts" and I have to go back for more pictures and sometimes an ultrasound. I've even had needle and core biopsies. No fun! The worst part is, that if they find something, my care might not be great. According to some docs at Georgetown, 30% of breast cancer patients don't get proper care. Can you please look into that?

            Isn't it a relief that Dorian's winds are slowing down and she won't be hitting Florida? My sister and mother in VA may see some heavy rain and flooding. I hope it's not too bad. I understand that the Air Force flew its F-22 Raptors and T-38 Talons from Langley in Hampton to Rickenbacker in Ohio. Protecting that gear is a good idea. I hope we can send some help to Abaco.

            Please extend some gratitude to Doug McMillon at Walmart. He is being very brave to stop selling ammo for automatic rifles and to request that customers not openly carry guns in their stores. I may even start shopping at Walmart now.

         Speaking of megastores, my daughter is starting her job as customer advocate at Target today. She's got her red shirt and is ready to be friendly. I hope all of her customers are courteous. Please send good vibes her way.

         Have a great day,




