

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            This has to be another quickie. Today I am off to Sacto to participate in planning an Oct meeting where people from County Offices of Education from all over the state will convene to get some ideas for helping teachers improve their math instruction. You see, many elementary teachers shy away from math. In fact, they shy away from many things. One of my projects is to cultivate courage among them so they can disrupt the status quo. You should be proud, you inspired it.

            So, I think the die has been cast. I guess you got used to betting when you owned those casinos. I have to hand it to you, I don't have the courage to take the kind of chance you did by calling VOZ and asking him to probe the Biden situation. You have taken a big gamble and we'll see what happens.

            I wonder what you'll be talking to VOZ about in your bilateral meeting today. Isn't it ironic that a guy who ran on an antic-corruption campaign and who is trying to be open, respect the law and avoid interfering in the judicial system should be in this position? I learned today your interaction could be called "telephone justice," and I'm sure he is mortified that he had anything to do with it.

            It's too bad that you've got this Ukrainian thing going on when there are so many other problems in the world! I understand that you're having a multilateral meeting about Venezuela today. I hope you figure out a remedy so the people of that country can get the medicine and food they need. We don't need any more refugees on the planet.

            OK - got to run,

            Be your best self,




