

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            I have 14 minutes to write to you so please be mindful that I do not have my usual opportunity to find something of substance to dive into. I am in sunny Irvine convening with our Network Improvement Community of UC teacher educators to discern how to "improve PSTs' noticing, disposition and practice for leveraging multilingual students' assets." We aren't sure how to define "multilingual students" but we prefer that to the term, "English Language Learner". We'd love to have Betsy DeVos join us some day so she can have an idea what teacher education entails and how we are all about building on assets.

            So, tomorrow is the big climate strike inspired by Greta Thunberg. Please refrain from sending out a nasty tweet. You can't hurt her feelings and you will just be providing fodder for the news media.

            Please help me understand the following comment:

“We have people living in our... best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings and pay tremendous taxes, where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes, where they went to those locations because of the prestige.”

Tremendous taxes? Do you pay tremendous taxes? Are you saying that only the people who pay tremendous taxes should be allowed on the streets? What do you mean by "prestige"? I thought we were all equal in America. Did that change? So many questions, so little time. It's 6:02 and I have to go.




