
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

It's not so smoky today - thank goodness! The Ranch Fire in Mendocino is 76% contained, Carr fire is at 83% and the Ferguson Fire is at 100%. Yeah! Cal Fire still has a Red Flag Warning in effect so we're not out of danger, yet. Please keep talking to Sonny Perdue about dealing with this situation and channel more funds to clearing brush and stressed trees. I think we are all upset about this situation so it doesn't help when Ryan Zinke tries to blame the fires on conservationists. His statement, quoted in the CSM today, that fire suppression is "being held hostage by special interest groups" is uncalled for. We don't need flaming rhetoric in addition to the flames we already have.

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Did you see the article about PA politics in the NYT this morning? It will be exciting in the Keystone state in November! The new districting creates a whole new dynamic there. Chrissy Houlahan, Democratic candidate in the 6th District is my favorite. She's amazing. Stanford grad, Air Force vet, Teach for America volunteer, engineer, business executive - that's quite a resume. She's an advocate for affordable health care and gun safety reform. I'd send her $5 but she's already raised a couple of million dollars so I'll be sending my $$ to someone else. I will keep my eyes open for more info on Madeleine Dean, Mary Gay Scanlon and Susan Wild who are also running in PA.

I hope you are busy planning celebrations for the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. That's going to be August 18, 2020 so you have just 2 years to plan the biggest celebration that nation has seen. You can use the $90 million that you were going to spend on the military parade on it. It would be a great project to put in Ivanka and Melania's hands. I'm happy to help.

Have a great Sunday,


