
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

Did you get a chance to see the falls while you were in Sioux Falls yesterday? I hope so. Was the trip a diversion for you? I hope so. Now that you're back in DC, it's time to get back to it. 

We soldier on. Don't we? Try to enjoy the day. Get our work done. Stay focused on the business at hand despite the craziness erupting around us. That's what we do. 

You might be tempted to try to find the person who wrote that Opinion piece, but what if the NYT made it up? Then you will be falling into their trap, sowing distrust and suspicion amongst your people. Even if one of your people wrote it, you would be falling into their trap by proving that you are paranoid. I agree with Nikki Haley's comment that the Opinion piece is "throwing gas on a fire of endless distraction" and even though you might sometimes "run the country like a soap opera" as NE Senator Ben Sasse puts it, you are the president. If the WH is functioning to your satisfaction, soldier on.

I will hold you, and the rest of us, in the Light as we all soldier on.


