
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

The month ends. Time flies. We get old. We die. 

I'm not sure where that morose sentiment is coming from. Perhaps I am feeling dispirited. Your mean speech brings me down. When you rant and rave, I wonder if you really do have a better side. It's hard to turn the other cheek and look for the Light that you, like every other human, carries when you call people, "animals."

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I'm disturbed today because the front page of the NYT has a story about some protests in Chemnitz Germany where neo-Nazis are running "rampant" in the streets chasing down immigrants and chanting, "We are the people." Your rhetoric in Evansville last night about "the really bad people that were allowed into this country under President Obama" normalizes angry sentiments about immigrants and can lead to the kind of thing we're seeing in Chemintz. That bothers me! I wish you'd stop.


So today when you talk to the nice people at the Carmel Country Club in Charlotte, can you please tone it down? 


On a more positive note, the Executive Order you are signing today about Multiple Employer Plans sounds like a good idea. Give my regards to Linda McMahon at the signing.




