
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

The Presidential Site Summit looks like a big deal! It's great that Melania got involved by planting a clone from the "Eisenhower Oak" on the South grounds, and you, two, will be hosting the whole group at the WH. Wish I could join you. Why don't you head over to the Hilton to join some of their sessions? I would love to go to the "Civics Education and Presidential Sites" session this afternoon which Cokie Roberts will be moderating. I wonder what they might say about you at this morning's "Presidents and the Press" session. Speaking of the press, it looks like you had fun flashing them the red card that you got from FIFA yesterday. It's nice to see some levity in the WH.

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Isn't it exciting to see all of the political activity in yesterday's primaries? My favorite story is Andrew Gillum's surprise victory in FL. He could become the first Democratic Governor in 20 years, and the first African American FL Governor ever! He's the kind of young, dynamic politician who can get the millennials to the polls. He didn't even spend much money, because, as he noted, "money doesn't vote, people do." The FBI probe of the folks who worked in his Tallahassee mayoral office is his biggest problem, but, as you know, having a few embarrassments and shady friends does not prevent a person from being elected.

Have a great day,


