
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

Greetings from Richmond, Indiana - home to Gennett Records and Starr Pianos. Both of those companies have been out of business for a long time so the town is hurting. You can get a 2000 sq. ft. foreclosed house here for about $50K. Such a deal! Unfortunately, Earlham College, which my daughter attends, is hurting, too. They've got too much debt and too few students. It's too bad because they have a gorgeous campus and wonderful professors. Maybe you could come here and do a big fund raiser. Back in the day 47 billionaires lived here so you could help bring the place back to its former glory. I'm sure you'll be visiting the state soon since it's such a tight race between Sen. Joe Donnelly and Mike Braun.

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I'm surprised it's not on your rally tour this week. It looks like you had fun in Wheeling, WV, last night. Do you really think that folks in the Mt State are going to vote for Patrick Morrisey? He's from New Jersey and his wife lobbies for pharmaceuticals. Joe Manchin was born and raised in Farmington, a hometown guy through and through. He's busy trying to secure pensions for the United Mineworkers. It'll be interesting to see how this Kavanaugh thing affects him. I think he was prudent to join Jeff Flake in requesting the investigation.


I've got to go so I can get to the West Richmond Friends Meeting on time. I hope you get a chance for some contemplation today.




