
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

Gosh, of all days to miss my correspondence with you, I had to miss the start of your week in NYC to attend meetings at the UN. Darn! I was too busy yesterday to even look at the news. Now have too many things to catch up. 


Dinner with Sinto Abe last night must have been so much fun that you decided to do it again tonight. It's nice that he won his election despite his "cronyism scandals." Some folks don't like his Abeconomics which includes a sales tax increase and heavy favoritism for large corporations. Please discourage his idea to repeal the 9th Article of the Japanese Constitution that forbids the country from have a standing military. They can't afford to pull their young people out of the work force to be in the military. They are having enough trouble supporting their elderly population as it is. I'm sure you will be talking about trade. Try not to be a bully!


I wish I had more time this morning to write about your meetings today with Moon Jae-In, Emmanual Macron and Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. I'd also like to provide you with some suggestions about your speech to the UN Assembly on Wednesday, but I have a faculty "retreat" today to discuss the mission of the School of Education so I have to cut this short and be on my way.


I do have one quick suggestion. Talk to Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand. She's not joining the 129 countries who are signing your drug pledge because she prefers to do what works best for NA based on evidence. Sounds like she's got some research that could be useful to us and finding out what it is could be quite helpful.


Enjoy your visit to the Big Apple,


