
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

How wonderful that you have buried the hatchet with Dean Heller and have come to love him and think he's a champion! As you noted in your LV speech last night the two of you were at odds a while back, so it's nice to see that you can change your mind. Danny Tarkanian has his doubts about the sincerity of Dean's sentiments. You may recall that in March Danny was calling Dean, "the accidental Senator" and accused him of being on a "fake and embarrassing charm offensive" to make it look like he's your fan when he really isn't. According to the Chicago Tribune, Dean is the GOP's most vulnerable Senator, so maybe it IS all a show. Why does it have to be so hard to discern the truth? Can you really trust anybody? 



Speaking of trust, I wonder who the women of Missouri are going to trust their votes to in this fall's Senate race between Sen. Claire McCaskill and Josh Hawley. I'm sure you will try to besmirch Claire at your rally tonight in Springfield, but I'm not sure it will work. She calls herself a "raging centrist" and even voted for 2/3 of your cabinet nominees.  A few weeks ago her "no" vote for your Supreme Court nominee might be called "partisan", but now that Brett's adolescent indiscretions have come back to haunt him, most women are going to understand why Claire can't support his nomination. Every woman has encountered a guy like Brett, great at the charm offensive but bad at self-regulation once he's had a drink. We can't trust a guy like that. Maybe you should follow Ivanka's advice and dump him.


Have fun at your rally today,


