
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I just watched the press conference at the Cherry Point Air Station in NC. Quite the love fest. Senators, administrators, local officials, all congratulating each other for what a great job they are doing. The fact that almost everyone at the table was a Republican made things easy for you. The only Democrat in sight was NC Governor Roy Cooper. Did he mention his opposition to off-shore drilling or remind you that he had to pull NC National Guard folk off of border patrol so they wouldn't have to separate kids from their parents? I suspect not because he's desperate for all the federal funds that you promised. I really do hope the federal government will "take care of everyone" even though it's going to cost a lot. 


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Linda McMahon did a good job advertising the loans available at the Small Business Administration. My dad's old buddies at JC Howard Farms, which has 18,000 sows in the Neuse River floodplain, will be needing one of those loans. With hog prices close to a 10-year low, the Chinese tariffs and this flood, they might just go out of business. I hope not. 


How was your meeting Andrzej Duda yesterday? In your press conference, all you talked about was how wonderful the new Poland - Norway pipeline is and reported that you sold him some Patriot missiles. Did you talk about the judge thing behind closed doors? Must I remind you, dear friend, that there's more to life than business and that selling weapons to questionable characters is a bad idea? 


I hope you'll start talking up democracy more. That's what presidents do - Eisenhower did it. Reagan did it. The Bushs did it. It's time for you to do the same. 


It's going to be a beautiful day here in Davis so I need to get going,




PS - Isn't it great that Kim Jung-Un and Moon Jae-In are talking? What do you think of their plan to cohost the 2032 Olympics?

