
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I can see from your Tweets that Hurricane Florence is on your mind. I am sending good vibes back East hoping people weather this storm with minimal pain and grief. It's a good thing we have so many citizens willing to help out.

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How are you feeling about Jim Mattis these days? According to the NYT your ties are fraying and the informal burger dinners you used to share have stopped. They say it's because of the bad blood between Jim and John Bolton's deputy, Mira Ricardel. According to the WP she wants to get the Pentagon "under control" while Jim is vehemently protective of the military and has put the brakes on some of your plans. You say you like that kind of disagreement in your administration so maybe they will somehow manage to tolerate each other. They say she has sharp elbows and doesn't suffer fools, but Jim is not a fool and has endured many elbows in the past, so perhaps they will manage to coexist. It seems to me that Jim helps you to reflect and think twice on some of your plans. That's a good thing so I hope he sticks around.


I have to head off to participate in an info session at the Quaker Meeting House. We are learning about Friends Advocacy teams. More on that later.


Remember, make new friends but keep the old.




