

My dear friend and president, DJT,

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            Did you know that our galaxy is warped? It's tempting to use that information to explain what's been going on lately, but the Milky Way has had this shape for longer than the Earth has existed so it can't explain why everything seems so out of whack these days. 

            The latest evidence of craziness is Jeff Epstein's (JEE) death in jail. It's hard to fathom how that could have happened but I sincerely doubt that the Clintons had something to do with it as your tweet last night suggested. JEE was a disturbed and disturbing individual. I wish that your name was not associated with his. I wish that his victims had a chance to see justice served. Please use your influence to insure that they receive some restitution when JEE's estate is liquidated.

            As I wonder about things being out of whack, I worry that Frank Bruni might be right when he writes, "hate is the thing with tentacles. It holds people tight and refuses to let go." I'm afraid that you are fueling that hate. Can you please stop!!!! 

            Reading Mary Schmich this morning has inspired me to find the poem, Desiderata, which includes the lines, "And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.”I'd like to read more of that kind of thing.I encourage you to join me in rejoicing in the wonder of the world. Marveling at the Milky Way tonight would be a good place to start and would do your soul some good.





