

July 26, 2019         

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            Congratulations. According to Hugh Hewitt, opining in today's WP, you have "command of the media battlefield unequaled by any modern president." The NYT columnist,Farhad Manjoo, writes "The hearings were a political disaster for Democrats not just because the optics were bad but because the substance was, too." Mueller's appearance in Congress is over and nothing new or shocking was revealed. You dodged another bullet and are in the WH for the rest of your term. Please spend your time making the nation a better place. My suggestions: Do what you can to stop the Russians from meddling in our election, and stop talking about Hilary. 

            When you meet with Kevin K. McAleenan today, please figure out some ways to take better care of the children at the border, and consider alternatives to taking them into custody. 

            I hope your meetings today are productive.




