
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I am in a hurry this morning so will have to keep this brief. I am off to do some geometry with some 5th graders in Sacramento. We'll be building complex polyhedra so they can think about the composition and decomposition of shapes.

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How was the trip to Florida? According to WBTV you talked with some farmers. I understand that they were really excited about the cotton harvest, and now it's all gone. I know how devastating it is to put your heart and soul into growing plants and then, through no fault of your own, to have it ruined. The worst is the pecan trees. Those take years to mature and now many of them are badly damaged. At least, they might be able to salvage some peanuts. I hope we are able to help out.

Did you get a chance to meet Nada Hassanein? She didn't have an article today so maybe she got busy covering something other than the hurricane.


You have no public events scheduled today. I suspect that you'll be trying to figure out this Saudia Arabia mystery. I encourage you to take your time and not believe everything the Prince might tell you.

Be well,


