
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,


Did you have fun in KY yesterday? I don't think Amy McGrath is the "extreme liberal" you accused her of being. She may be a feminist but her military service suggests that she enjoys some structure. I'm not sure your buddy Andy Barr can beat her. He may have a winning smile but she can roll an F/A-18. According to the HP, the KY 6th District will be the race to watch on Nov 6. Exciting, isn't it?


I was surprised to learn this morning that you don't like dogs. So much so that you gave up the opportunity to have the "perfect dog," Patton, the goldendoodle, that your friend Lois Pope tried to give you. That's too bad. Dogs provide excellent therapy, even if they can be annoying from time to time. They know how to have fun, and they get excited about the little things in life, like food and going for a walk. Our latest foster dog gets a thrill out of everything. I think you'd like him. He's very spunky.

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I'm afraid we may be heading into some rough spots. This thing with the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi is very creepy. According to the WSJ this will be a tough one for you. As they note, "some of the most difficult foreign-policy decisions for any President are how to deal with authoritarian governments that offend American values but are important to U.S. interests." I encourage you to reconsider the wisdom of sending them $1 billion of military equipment. Mohammed has just shown us that he sometimes makes very bad choices. We don't want him making more bad choices with our weapons like he did in August when a Saudi bomb ended up killing Yemen kids in a school bus. What does Jared think of all this?


Our other rough spot is the stock market. The WSJ pointed out that the US market has been out-performing the global market for the past 6 months. They say the China trade war has adverse effects on the tech industry. Do you think I should liquidate my assets?


I will hold us all in the Light during Meeting for Worship this morning,




