
My dear Friend and President, DJT,


This will be a quick note as I am at the CMC Math Teachers Conference in rainy Asilomar. Even though it's wet, it's still beautiful and it's always invigorating to see teachers excited to learn!!


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How's it going at the G20? Did you see how Vlad and MbS greeted each other? They looked like high school football players coming into math class. Thrilled to see each other with a bit of mischief on their minds on assuming all eyes are on them (which, in this case was true). I found it most disturbing. What did you think?


Why did you abbreviate your meeting with Moon Jae-in? Don't you two need to figure out how to get negotiations with North Korea back on track? I think you need to spend a few days together rather than just a few minutes.


Please give my regards to Angela Merkel. Maybe you can sell her a new airplane so she's not late to her next international summit. 


The NYT suggests that you might be learning that, unlike business deals where personal chemistry makes a difference, national policy decisions are based on "history, geography and bureaucratic decision-making." Are they right?


I've gotta go,


