

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            How did the picnic go yesterday? I found some pictures of you greeting the crowd but that was it. I have a feeling that you didn't stay long with so much going on inside the WH. I hope that your trip to Camp David this weekend gives you a chance to focus and get centered. I'm sure the last couple of days have been strenuous.

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            While you're contemplating next steps, you might reconsider this "family op" plan. Are you sure you want to arrest 2000 families and risk separating kids from their parents again? That didn't go over well last time. I encourage you to listen to your Acting DHS secretary Kevin McAleenan(KKM) who thinks ICE resources are best used at the border. He thinks that deporting 150 families would be a better idea. Wouldn't it be a shame to ruin the immigration deal that LOG and RJD have been working on with KKM and Jared? 

            You just scored some huge points with people, like me, by calling off the Iran bombing - keep the rally going by backing off "family op." As you well know, it's never too late to change your mind.

            It's my husband's 60th brithday today so we need to find a way to celebrate. I've gotta go.





