

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            It's time for me to ramp it up at work. I have two more weeks of classes and three more weeks of intense activity that will include lots of grading, meeting with students and wrapping things up. So, I might be altering my approach to these letters by doing less reading and googling. I hope you don't mind.

            So, I trust that the remainder of your Japan visit went well because I did not see mention of it in the NYT today. 

            I did read about your "hardened attack on climate science." Are you sure you want to be known as the President who did more to contribute to global warming than any other leader ever? You don't want that baby that Lara is expecting to be ashamed of his grandpa, do you? I have a couple of suggestions.

1) Tell James Reilly to pull back his order that climate change models only go out to 2040. We need to know that if we don't do something the planet will be 8 degrees warmer when our grandkids are grandparents. 

2) Gently and tactfully fire William Happer. He may have been a respected Princeton physicist back in the day, but he's not doing science any more. He's pandering to the Mercers, telling them what they want to hear. He's giving you bad advice and you don't need any more of that, do you?

            I'm sorry to hear that you're going to have a run of hot muggy weather in DC. Luckily the terrible tornado that just hit Dayton missed my daughter in Indiana. I hope that Tulsa does not have a record flood today. I'm lucky. It's going to be 80 degrees and sunny here today. I will count that as a blessing.





