

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Did you watch the NCAA basketball finals last night? Another great game that went into OT. It's so fun to watch those kids play their hearts out. I hope you'll invite the Cavaliers to the WH. Their coach, Tony Bennett, looks like a classy guy. His players have great teamwork and a disciplined defense. He might be able to give you some tips about how to lead your cabinet.

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            Please help me understand why you are hosting Abdel Fattah al-Sisiat at the WH today? I'm sure you are well aware that he's trying to get some amendments to Egypt's constitution so he can be in power until 2034. Even if he were a benevolent ruler, that would be a bad idea. Don't you think? Democracies need fresh ideas and new leadership on a frequent basis. I encourage you to remind him that he gets $1.3 billion in annual American military aid and we'd like to see Egyptians enjoying more freedom, especially freedom of speech. Friends don't let friends lock up innocent people. So be a good friend and tell him the truth - Might does not make right. 

            I encourage you to take a look at Neil Irwin and Emily Badger's piece in the NYT today. It will help you to understand that the USA is NOT full. In fact, we need MORE people. Among the facts in the article:"There are now 2.8 workers for every recipient of Social Security benefits, a rate on track to fall to 2.2 by 2035." That means when I'm 75, I might not be getting my SS check. Uh-oh! Neil and Emily supported my assertion that places like Dunbar, WI are hurting due to population decline. They explained John Lettieri's idea of "heartland visas" which would stipulate that the immigrant has to live in a certain place for a period of time. I encourage you to look into that. It might help you see a way forward.

            Gotta go teach my undergrads about PBIS.





