

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Have you heard the mathematical term, "intractable problem"? It's a problem that theoretically can be solved but the solution strategy is too unwieldy to execute. Factoring large number into primes is an example. You can do it, but it takes too long. 

            I think immigration law is an intractable problem. I think we could come up with something but it will take a really long time to hash through it. On Tuesday, you said you could make the new law in 45 minutes. If it were that simple it would have been solved a long time ago. I think you've finally realized that health care is an intractable problem, too. I think it wise to give up on solving that one until after the next election.

            I encourage you embrace your problems rather than blaming them on others. That's what I try to do. Easier said than done. Why not use problems as opportunities to grow and don't look for the quick fix. 



            I hope your conversation with the Opportunity and Revitalization Council goes well today. Will  Lynne Patton be there? I'm sure you saw the nice press that she got in the WSJ the other day. Her sleepovers in the NYC public housing units garnered some much-needed attention for the deplorable living conditions that our citizens have to endure in those dilapidated buildings. I am on board with her "shelter first" philosophy toward people without homes who are afflicted with addiction - give them a warm, dry place to sleep and then they can conquer their problem. What do you think about her possible TV gig, some kind of reality show about Black Republicans? I hope she can avoid "putting her foot in her mouth" as she admits to doing from time to time. She's got your flair for publicity. It'll be interesting to see where that takes her.

         I wish I could write more but I have to go. I am especially interested in this character, Dr. Charles Lee, whose client was arrested at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend. It seems he's more of a salesman than you are.




