

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

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            Did you enjoy your visit with the Baylor Lady Bears yesterday? The NYT noted that the Lady Bears are the first women's team to have their own visit to your WH. It seems that the WNBA would like that kind of recognition, too. I hope you'll oblige them. Can you please explain these comments about the shirt they gave you, “I love those short sleeves, such beautiful arms. Great definition."Whose arms were you talking about? While you might have taken great pleasure in that quip, it looks like the players were not amused. 

            I think today's WH guest, NASCAR champ Joey Logano, will be more receptive to your humor. He's apparently a goofy guy who jokes all the time. I wonder if he ever worries about what his sport is doing to the climate. 

            I'm glad that you changed your mind about hosting Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson at the WH. Did you hear the story about him on NPR this morning? It's clear that he genuinely cares about the incarcerated youth that he teaches. His use of culturally relevant pedagogy to help his students develop critical consciousness about the VA juvenile justice system illustrates one of the themes of the class I'm teaching. I couldn't find any photos of the two of you. Please make them available so I can show them to my students.

            I encourage you to go along with Congress' requests to speak with your aides, especially Stephen Miller. Since he is now in charge of implementing immigration policy, Congress needs to know what he's up to. Please keep in mind that Congress is a co-equal branch of the government. Bob Bauer, writing in the WP, worries that you seem to be unaware of that fact.

Have a good day,




