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My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            How was Melania's birthday dinner? What did you eat? It was nice of her to include the Abe's in her birthday plans. Does it ever get awkward having to use interpreters to socialize? For me small talk requires a lot of effort so the added demand of waiting for translations might wear me out. It must be really hard for Melania. As an English as a second language speaker it's must be even more taxing. Send her my regards.

            You are golfing with Shinzo as I write. I hope you're having fun and can put all of the talk about tariffs on beef and small trucks behind you. Forget KJU and VVP. Just relax and concentrate on your game. Maybe you can talk about your plans for your upcoming visit to Japan. It'll be so exciting to be part of Prince Naruhito's installation as the new emperor. I understand that you might go to a Sumo wrestling match. Maybe you could even try Sumo wrestling yourself. I think you might be quite good at it.

            I hope you have a wonderful time in Packerland this evening. I hope you're ready for some chilly weather. You might want to change your plans and spend the night in Greenbay and drive up to Lily Lake Road in Dunbar in the morning. Then you can check out our cabin and see how it held up over the winter. If you did, you'd find some piles of nuts here and there that the mice bring in.You might enjoy the peace and quiet of the Northwoods and decide to stay a few days. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind and all those swing voters in the state might decide they like you.





